Upcoming Events & Webinars

Awakening and the Spiritual Wound: A Return to Essence

January 25th – 26th, 2025

10 am-5 pm ET


This is a deeper two-day exploration of how we can integrate awakening shifts and the spiritual wound though a somatic approach. Awakening is a transformative shift that fundamentally alters how we perceive ourselves and the world, often leading to deep emotional and physiological changes. We can enjoy delicious moments of clarity, but we can also encounter emotional and autonomic turmoil as the nervous system and the heart try to create balance. Additionally, as new awareness emerges, it can create tension with long-held beliefs, sparking confusion and a crisis of identity, as well as familial tensions. This is where many of us may get caught. At the heart of the awakening process is a core and very human wound of disconnection, which, when fully explored, offers the potential for encountering our core essence more directly,

The intention of this workshop is to explore with embodiment and curiosity, and collectively explore together. Each of the two days, I will start with an exercise to connect, some sharing and inquiry together, followed by a live demonstration of a session. We will explore through practice the core wound, I will share some exercises for practice around the process 

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